Jostle generates a Digest email for each user containing the following weekly content from their organization's platform:
Featured Articles
- up to 5 "pinned" articles
- displayed in order of most viewed
News you may have missed
- up to 5 unread articles
- tailored to each user
- displayed in order of most viewed by others
Popular News items
- up to 5 items (Articles, Polls, Albums, etc)
- displayed in order of most likes
Upcoming Events
- list of the coming week's Events
- displayed chronologically
Public Discussions
- features company-wide Discussions only
- weighted by most posts
- most-liked Shout-Outs of the week
- biggest Bonuses of the week
- newest items posted
- The content of the Weekly Digest emails cannot be configured or customized.
- Personalized upcoming Birthday and Anniversary announcements have been moved out of Digest and are now sent via direct "day-of" emails to recipients.
Managing Digest
Your organization's platform Digest can be set up to be delivered on any day and time of the week. To set this, go to the Administration Settings > Views and Functions > Manage Digest Email.
If you would rather disable sending the Digest for your whole organization, then uncheck the option “Send Digest...”.
If "Send Digest..." is checked off, then users can opt not to receive them by unchecking the Digest option in the Email Settings section of their My Preferences. If you have branded your platform with a unique name, it will be reflected on the name of the Digest in this section as well (as shown below).
NOTE—when the News view is set to "Staging" in Administration Settings > Views and Functions > Manage Views and Options, News Articles will not show up within the Digest email.