Feature requests can be made via the Resource Center

Users can submit their feature requests and suggestions via our Resource Center, which you can access from within your Jostle platform. Just click the white circular icon at the bottom of the Main Navigation and then select Suggest an improvement from the menu. Use the form provided or click Open in Portal to go directly to the Jostle Requests forum.

On the Requests Dashboard you can submit your suggestions, as well as view and upvote suggestions from others that cover all areas of the Jostle platform. You can even give priority rankings to any of the suggestions you upvote.

Jostle adds new features incrementally, updating our production software every two weeks (as shown by our Release Notes). Posting and/or voting for suggestions in the Resource Center is the best way to get development underway on the enhancements you want most. It is an all-customers forum, so any suggestions posted there should be applicable to all Jostle customers worldwide, not just those on a specific platform. Suggestions that get more upvotes from other users have a much better chance of entering development. We plan and undertake our development using a lean process that is described here.

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