
Jostle User Template guide & glossary


Full User Import Template:

Below is a guide to how to fill out the User Import Template, which can be used to upload your people's data to your Jostle platform. (For more info, see Importing Users to Jostle via CSV. If you wish to remove users from your platform via CSV, see Deleting Users)

When you're finished creating your file and you want to import your users via Administration Settings, click the Gear icon and go to Administration Settings > User Data to/from Other Systems > Import Users (CSV) > Jostle User Template.  The file needs to be in CSV format (File > Save As in your spreadsheet editor).

Required fields (must be filled in for each row):

  • FirstName: First name of the user (cannot exceed 30 characters)
  • LastName: Last name of the user (cannot exceed 40 characters)
  • Username: Must be unique per user and must be a valid email address* (using the same address as the WorkEmail field is recommended). To enable Google OpenID for a user, you must enter their OpenID email address as their Username. If your organization is set up for Single Sign-On, you must enter their email address in your organization as Username (cannot exceed 128 characters)
  • WorkEmail: Must be a valid email address* that corresponds to the user. Ideally, this field will match the Username field (cannot exceed 128 characters)

*If you have employees for which you cannot provide a real email address, see here.

Optional fields:

NOTE—If you wish to create your own unique field, you can use the CustomUserFieldLabel and CustomUserFieldValue fields.

  • Nickname: This is the nickname for the user.  This will be the user's primary name in Jostle if included in the initial import.  If it is added later, the user can choose which name to display (first name or nickname).
  • WorkEmailVisibility: Set the visibility of the work email for the user to be 'EVERYBODY' or 'NOBODY'. By default it will be set to 'EVERYBODY' if left blank. Work email visibility can only be changed by an administrator in Jostle.
  • BirthDate: This is the birthdate for the user. For the date format, you will be able to specify either DD/MM/YYYY or MM/DD/YYYY (Note—for SFTP imports, you can only use the MM/DD/YYYY format). The year is never shown in Jostle, but can appear in an export of all Profile data, available to System Administrators. If you set the year to 1896 the server will remove the year.
  • PersonalPronouns: This is for the set of pronouns a user wishes to be identified by and will appear on their Profile card and in their Profile Summary. Valid values include "He/Him/His", "She/Her/Hers", and "They/Them/Their".
  • Joined: (HireDate is an alternative for Joined) This is the date the user joined your organization (their hire date), and it cannot be edited in-platform. For the date format, you will be able to specify either DD/MM/YYYY or MM/DD/YYYY (Note—for SFTP imports, you can only use the MM/DD/YYYY format)
  • OfficialLocation: This is the Name of the Location where the user can be found. Locations are defined in Admins Settings > Filters and Badges > Configure Locations. To add multiple locations, use a pipe "|" without spaces in between the different values (eg. location1|location2). Adding Locations
  • SecondBadge This is a field to indicate if someone is an external user (i.e. someone not directly connected to your organization, like a consultant or advisor) and will add an "External User" badge to their Profile. Valid values are EXTERNAL or NONE.
  • UserType The valid values for this field indicate what type of user someone is: REGULAR (regular employee) SEMI_RESTRICTED (can view/comment/like/vote, but can't create content) RESTRICTED (can view items, but can't comment/like/vote) SHARED (intended for multiple people using one login can only view items) or AUTOMATION (an account not tied to a real person, that's used to set up integrations via API). For more information on User Types, go here.
  • EmployeeId This is an optional field for orgs whose users are assigned employee identification codes/numbers.
  • EmployeeIdVisibility This relates to who can see the above Employee ID field on Profiles. Value options are NOBODY or EVERYBODY. It can also be left empty.
  • CustomFilterCategory: This is a custom field which can be used to categorize users. This custom field is used to permit or limit access to content in Jostle. The value is the name of the category to which the user belongs. To add multiple categories, use a pipe "|" without spaces in between the different values (eg. category1|category2).  Custom Filter vs Custom Profile Category
  • CustomProfileCategory: This is a custom, searchable Profile field, and the value is the name of the category to which the user belongs. Custom Profile Categories can be created and edited in Admin Settings > User Profiles > Configure Custom Profile Category. 
  • PrimaryRoleName (for orgs with Teams enabled): Value to choose the Primary Role of the user. The Primary Role is the main/most important Role of a user. Only use this field once an organization structure has been created in Teams. If this value is blank, it will be ignored. (For more on Primary Roles and how to configure them, go here: Primary Role). NOTE—for orgs without Teams enabled, this field will be labeled "Title".
  • PrimarySupervisorUsername (for orgs with Teams enabled): This is intended to be used to add new employees into an existing Main Organization structure. (Do not use when bulk importing employees for the first time.) This field can only be used to set the supervisor, not change it. Users will be made to report (by solid line) to the specified supervisor in the Main Organization. This supervisor must have a single solid-line Role in the Main Organization and the user cannot have an existing solid-line Role in the Main Organization. In either case, an error will be reported. If PrimaryRoleName is specified, and it exists as a vacant Role under the designated supervisor, the user will fill that existing Role. Otherwise a new Role is created and set to the PrimaryRoleName provided.
  • JobCategory: This is for a generic description of the user’s profession. This is separate from the user roles that are defined on Charts in the Teams view and is not a required field. For more, go here: Job Category
  • AllowManageRelationships: Allow this person to publish teams and manage relationships down hierarchy.  (Options: true or false).
  • WorkOfficePhone: This is the office phone number for the user.
  • WorkMobilePhone: This is the mobile phone number for the user.
  • PersonalEmail: This is the personal email address for the user.
  • PersonalMobilePhone: This is a second (user-owned) mobile phone number for the user.
  • HomePhone: This is a user-owned phone number for the user.
  • AlternateEmail1Label: Label for the first optional, user owned email field.
  • AlternateEmail1: Email address for the first optional, user owned email field.
  • AlternateEmail2Label: Label for the second optional, user owned email field.
  • AlternateEmail2: Email address for the second optional, user owned email field.
  • PreferredEmail: Valid values are WORK, ALTERNATE1, ALTERNATE2, PERSONAL (Values are case sensitive.)
  • PreferredEmailVisibility: Valid values are EVERYBODY, DIRECT_CONNECTIONS, NOBODY. Note that the PreferredEmail field must be set in order to set the visibility.(Values are case sensitive.)
  • CustomUserFieldLabel: This is the label for an optional free-form Profile field that can be customized by users. 
  • CustomUserFieldValue: This is the free-form value that goes with the label set in Custom User Field Label above.  
  • CustomBadge: This is the program level's name for the user (e.g. "Senior"). The Badge program should already be configured prior to entering data in this column, entries not matching previously setup values will be ignored. Custom Badges

  • CustomProfileFieldLabel: This is the label of an optional Custom Profile Field that can be added to the Other section of a user's Profile (for example, "Favorite color"). Set on a per-user basis. It can be set to be user-owned in Administration Settings > Configure User Profiles 
  • CustomProfileFieldValue: This is designed for a free-form value for the Custom Profile Field Label indicated above (for example, the value "Red" would go with the label "Favorite color"). 
  • MessagingAddress1Label: Under the Contact section of Profile, label for the first optional data pair. The second and third pairs are modified by changing the 1 to a 2 or 3.
  • MessagingAddress1: Under the Contact section of Profile, data for the first optional data pair. The second and third pairs are modified by changing the 1 to a 2 or 3.
  • MailingAddress1Label/MailingAddress2Label: Under the Location section of Profile, label for the first (or second) optional address.
  • MailingAddress1Street/MailingAddress1Street: Under the Location section of Profile, first row of data for the first (or second) optional address.
  • MailingAddress1City/MailingAddress1City: Under the Location section of Profile, second row of data for the first (or second) optional address.
  • MailingAddress1State/MailingAddress2State: Under the Location section of Profile, third row of data for the first (or second) optional address.
  • MailingAddress1Zip/MailingAddress2Zip: Under the Location section of Profile, fourth row of data for the first (or second) optional address.
  • MailingAddress1Country/MailingAddress2Country: Under the Location section of Profile, fifth row of data for the first (or second) optional address.
  • PreferredPhone: Valid values are WORK_OFFICE, WORK_MOBILE, HOME, PERSONAL_MOBILE (values are case sensitive).
  • PreferredPhoneVisibility: Valid values are EVERYBODY, DIRECT_CONNECTIONS, NOBODY. The PreferredPhone field must be set in order to set the visibility (values are case sensitive).
  • AccountState: Indicates the current state of the account. Valid values are ACTIVE, DISABLED, SUSPENDED. 

Optional upload only fields:

InviteForAuthenticationMethod: This field allows you to specify that a user is to be invited when the import file is processed. If you leave this value blank then the user will created/updated, but not invited to log in. There are three types of authentication methods for which a user can be invited, only some of which will apply to your organization:

  • "JOSTLE" for authenticating using Jostle credentials. If you did not sign up through G Suite (Google Workspace) Marketplace, and you are not set up for Single Sign-On then this would be the only applicable value for you. If you signed up through G Suite/Workplace Marketplace or you are set up for Single Sign-On, then you can only specify this value if you have not disabled Jostle-managed passwords.
  • "GOOGLE" for authentication using Google credentials. You can specify this value if you signed up through G Suite/Workspace Marketplace.
  • "SSO" for authentication using Single Sign-On credentials. You can specify this value is you are set up for Single Sign-On.

NOTE—while on Administration Settings > User Data to/from Other Systems > Import Users (CSV) > Jostle User Template use the drop down menu next to Invite to indicate the types of users you wish to invite with your import.

If you select to not invite ("no one") as part of the import, then this field will be ignored and all users will be set to the organization's default. You will then be able to change the login type when you do the invitation through the Invite Users page.


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