
Setting up News, Activity, and Org Values


Once in place, your News Editor(s) will mostly look after News, but as System Administrator, there are some aspects of News that initially need to be set up by you.

Table of contents

  1. Setting up Editors and Reporter Groups
  2. Setting Up Org Values
  3. Birthdays and Anniversaries
  4. Hiding News

1. Setting up Editors and Reporter Groups

Jostle allows System Administrators to set which users are able to create, edit, and publish News Items, which includes Articles, Web Articles, Polls, Albums, or Custom Articles (more details on assigning Editors and Reporters can be found here). 

Here is a breakdown of Jostle's user levels within News:

Regular users are able to read and comment on News items, as well as create publish Status Updates and Shout-Outs. 

News Reporters are able to create, manage, edit and remove their own News items.

News Editors can manage any News item. They are able to edit and delete items created by Reporters and hold overall responsibility for curating the News view. Editors are also able to enable/disable any user's ability to post in Activity. (If you are the first System Administrator for your organization, you will automatically be made a News Editor as well).

News Admins

News Admins is where you can assign other Editors and manage your Reporter Groups.

To get there:

1. Click on News in the Main Navigation

2. Then go to the top right corner of the screen and click on the action menu icon (aka "three dots").

3. From the dropdown menu, select View News Admins


Editors can be added by clicking on Editors from the left column (see image below) and searching for and adding the individual(s) you want. In order to make someone a Reporter, though, you have to create a Reporter Group first.

Reporter Groups allow you to assign certain publishing permissions to different groups of Reporters, including: who can see their articles, if they can enable Comments, if they can make their articles Featured and pinned to the top of the feed and so forth.

To create a Reporter Group

1. In News Admins, go to Reporter Groups in the left column and click Edit.



2. On the next screen, Add and name your group, then click Done.


3. Now select your new group from the column on the left.

4. On the Reporters screen, go to Members and click Edit to use the List Selector to add individuals, teams, or even whole locations as Reporters in that group.


5. After adding your Reporters, scroll down and select who the group can Publish to and enable any or all of the Publishing Options you wish this group to have. NOTE—any options not selected will be greyed out for the Reporters when they are drafting a News article.

6. Once you are done, click Save at the top of the screen. Your assigned Reporters will now have access to create News Articles via the "Add New" link at the top of the News view.


2. Setting up Org Values

Where Org values appear

Organization (Org) values are keywords people can use in Activity (the feed on the left side of the News view) when recognizing a fellow coworker, team, or group in a Shout-Out. Users can select an Org value from the For: drop-down menu when posting a Shout-Out to Activity.

Setting up your Org values

You can set up your own Org values at Administration Settings > Views and Functions > Configure Organization Values.


Default Org values

Organization values are not enabled by default. We have seeded a list of values for your consideration. You can edit this list and save it. The Org values will not appear for use when publishing a Shout-Out until you have checked, “Enable organization values”.

Considerations and rules for writing Org values:

  • Can contain any character or symbol
  • Can contain emojis
  • Cannot contain spaces, commas, or hashtags within (i.e. #hash#with#tag)
  • UPPERCASE and lowercase are both acceptable (i.e. #TeSt and #test)
  • The character limit for each individual Org value is 40 characters
  • Org values will be displayed in the order they’ve been written in the input
  • The maximum number of Org values you can enter is 12, although end-users will be able to input their own custom-value in the act of giving a Shout-Out

A list of Org values is optional

Your organization doesn’t have to have a list of Org values. System Admins can delete the list of Org values from the text input on Administration Settings > Views and Functions > Configure Organization Values and enable Org values. This removes dropdown list of Org values from the Shout-Out popover menu but still offers a text input for you to write a #custom-value when publishing a Shout-Out.

3. Birthdays and Anniversaries

The management of Activity is mostly the responsibility of News Editors, but one feature of Activity can only be configured by System Administrators—Birthdays and Anniversaries.

Birthdays will auto-publish for users that have a Birth Date entered in their Profile. The birth year is not revealed.

Anniversaries also auto-publish for users that have a Join Date entered in their Profile. System Administrators can set up which Anniversary years get posted by going to Administration Settings > Views and Functions > Configure Anniversaries of Join Dates.

Birthdays and Anniversaries are also featured in the weekly email Digest.

4. Hiding News

The News view is enabled by default, making it visible to all your users. At any time, it can be Disabled (hidden for everyone), or placed in Staging (only visible to News Editors and Reporters).

To do this:

1. Go to Administration settings > Views and Functions > Manage Views and Options.

2. Under the News heading, select your option.

3. Scroll down to the bottom and click Save.



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