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List Selector
List Selector is used throughout the Jostle platform to target information or allow permissions for specific groups of employees. It can be used to control the visibility of items in News, Events, Library, Links, Listings or when including people in Discussions or Tasks.
With List Selector, you can create a target audience made up of specific people, groups and/or Intersections (custom groups you can create based on combinations of Locations, Org Units and Employee Types) within your organization.
NOTE—Employee Types is Custom Filter
This flexibility allows you to properly target information at exactly the right people and brings several advantages:
- It reduces noise by only showing information to people it is relevant to.
- It prevents people from getting confused by information that is not relevant to them. For example, you can publish a new safety standard to just engineers in Canada, not confusing US-based engineers, who it does not apply to.
- It allows you to expose confidential information on a need-to-know basis.
List Selector is available in these following areas:
When starting a new Discussion, it will be automatically available
On the New Article form, after you select Visible To > Edit > A Custom List
On the News Admins screen, when assigning Reporters (News Editors only)
On the new Event form, after Invite everyone > Edit > A Custom List
On the Events Admins screen, when assigning Creators (Events Managers only)
On a Volume's i-menu, after you go to Visibility > Edit > A Custom List
When using the "Edit Volume Librarians" action (Category Librarians only)
On the New Category > Share this Category screen (System Admins only)
On the "Edit Collaborators" screen
On the "Add new item" form, after you select Visible To > Edit > A Custom List
On the Admins screen, when assigning Creators/Managers (Listings Managers only)
How List Selector works
At the top of the List Selector you can type in the field provided to search for specific Individuals, Teams, Locations, Employee Types or Org Units. You can do this multiple times to create an additive list. In the example below, three such search-and-add operations have already been completed to add the Sales Operations Team, Alina Nelson, and Neal Berry to the target audience.
In the example below, the user is now in the process of adding an Intersection to this invitation list by selecting the following components from the Locations, Org Units and Employee Types drop-down menus:
- Vancouver (a Location)
- Operations staff (an Org Unit)
This will add just Operations Staff who have an Official Location in Vancouver to the list. Note that this intersection is dynamic – if a person joins/leaves this Intersection they will gain/lose access to the content published using this list selection.
NOTE—when you have a Team, Org Unit or Location added to the list, you can click Actions to convert this dynamic cluster into a list of the corresponding individuals. When you do this, the dynamic nature of the Team, Org Unit or Location is no longer maintained.
List Presets
System Administrators have the option to save lists of frequently-targeted custom groups as List Presets and have them available for future use. These lists can be managed in People and can be used when setting the visibility for items in News, Library, Events, and Listings.
To create a new List Preset
- Click on People in the Main Navigation panel.
- Then in the action bar, click the action menu (three dots) on the far right and select "List Presets".
- On the List Presets panel, click the "+" in the upper right corner to open the Add List Preset panel. (If this is the first time someone in your organization is using this feature, you may be prompted to click a "Create a List Preset" button before this step).
- On the Add List Preset panel, use the List Selector to create a custom list of Individuals, Teams, Locations, Org Units, and/or Employee Types.
- When you're done, go back up to the top of the panel and click Save.
Using & Editing List Presets
On the List Presets panel, you can edit, delete, or rearrange any existing List Preset via its action menu (three dots).
Editing a List Preset does not affect the view permissions of any items published to a previous version of that list.
You can add or remove individuals after you’ve selected a list, but you cannot add another List Preset – doing so will just override the previous list.
Once created, the new List Preset will appear in the "Visible to" section of the List Selector, on the Lists drop down menu.
After you select a List Preset, you can click on the number next to "People" at the bottom of the List Selector to confirm everyone who is included on that list.
Excluding External Contributors
Another "Visible to" feature is the optional setting, "Do not include External Contributors". When creating and saving these lists, checking off this option will allow for your targeted audience to include only those individuals who are an internal part of your organization.
Additional Resources
Jostle's webinar on List Presets can be viewed here.