
Discussions (overview)



The Discussions view is designed for ease of use.  This powerful collaboration tool allows you to create group chats and send instant messages to anyone on your Jostle platform.  You can start invite-only Discussions with different groups or teams, or create public Discussions that anyone can join or leave as they wish.


You can create custom categories to help manage your Discussions and set your Preferences to specify how and when you receive Discussions notifications.

Direct Message is a format within the Discussions view designed specifically for one-on-one chats. To make managing them easier, you can only have one ongoing Direct Message per recipient, so unless you are new to the Jostle platform, before you create a new Direct Message with someone, check to see if you have an existing one-on-one Discussion with them. If so, you'll want to convert that into your ongoing Direct Message instead of starting a new one.


Discussions doesn't support any dedicated Administrator roles. Instead, each Discussion has its own Moderator (when you start a Discussion you are automatically made a Moderator).

Moderators are able to add or remove Discussion participants, add additional Moderators, and delete comments added by themselves and other participants.




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  • 0
    Tash van Steeg

    How would i clear all discussions? We are about to re-launch and as an admin, i can not see where the option is to clear all discussions/content

  • 0
    Permanently deleted user

    Hi Tash,

    Information on deleting Discussions can be found under Managing Your Discussions > NOTES in this article: (link)



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