Released from test to production on 2020 Mar 25
Dynamic groups as Collaborators in Tasks
When assigning a task, users now have the option to add dynamic groups (Teams, Locations, Org Units, etc.) as Collaborators instead of just Individuals.
Additional improvements include the ability to add Collaborators directly from the Task Details screen and new labeling to indicate a task’s Creator and Assignees.
Discussion setup now in a dialog overlay
When creating a new Discussion or Direct Message, the setup screen no longer occupies the entire Discussions view and instead appears as a smaller dialog overlay.
Export of Locations data
In Admin Settings > Filters & Badges > Official Locations, System Administrators can now export all their org’s Official Locations data via CSV, making it easier to track and manage any duplicated or outdated Location information.
Links: Embedded HTML pages
Originally included in the Yarg release, this feature will now be enabled for all customers (currently it is only enabled by org request).
54 other bug fixes and/or performance enhancements.
Did you know that our last entry of the "edible emojis" themed release cycle - "Zoo" - isn't really something edible and doesn't really have a relevant emoji? So, I'm going to work my "tenuous connection" magic and suggest that "Zoo" is just shorthand for...Zoodles!
And, really, it's an almost perfect reference. Similar to Alpha-Ghetti, this canned, animal-shaped pasta was pretty much marketed to kids of the '80s as a way for them to enjoyably eat a zoo's worth of exotic creatures.
Sure, Zoodles may also have been providing a gateway to big-game hunting, with its catchy little jingle asking kids "have you ever gone hunting with a bowl and spoon because you can, with Libby's Zoodles!", followed by kids expressing the bliss that comes with just having had a hippopotamus for lunch, but you know...simpler times.