
Importing org structures from Google


Currently, there isn’t a sync option to import your organization structure from Google to Jostle.

However, you can achieve the desired result by downloading your users info from Google to a CSV file and then mapping that data to create a team import in Jostle, as follows:


1. In your Google Admin console, go to Users > Download users

2. On the Download user info screen, select the “All user info…” and “Comma-separated values” options and then click DOWNLOAD.



NOTE—the required fields for the Jostle CSV are username and supervisor username. Two additional fields can also be used when importing a reports-to structure into a Chart: role name and team name.

3. From the download, keep the following Google fields for the required and optional Jostle fields:

  • Email Address (username)*
  • Manager Email (supervisor username)*
  • Employee Title (role name)
  • Department (can be used as a team name)


In this example we’re using Email Address, Manager Email and Employee Title:



4. In your Jostle platform, go to Administration Settings > Views and Functions > Import Chart into Teams and use Choose File to select your CSV file. You may be prompted to map the fields. If so, use this guide:

  • User Name = Email Address [Required]
  • Supervisor User Name = Manager Email
  • Role Name = Employee Title 

When you're done mapping, click the Import button. If everything has been entered correctly, the resulting Chart should look like this:


Tip: Since running an import structure  overwrites all existing information in the Chart we recommend importing the team in a new/test chart then when you’re happy with the results you can import the team in the right chart.


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