We've made it simple to let everyone on your platform know about Slack integration and how to set it up.
Just follow these steps to publish a ready-made "How-to" article in your News view (NOTE—you must have News Reporter or Editor privileges to publish News items).
- In News, click on the Add New menu in the Action Bar and select Web Article.
- Copy/paste this link <https://forum.jostle.us/hc/en-us/articles/360036181654> in the field provided and click Continue.
- A draft will open with the article auto-populated (which you can edit or add org-specific info to)
- Select the appropriate Publishing Role and other settings in the right Options column.
- Review the article and make any necessary adjustments (fix any spacing/centering issues, resize or edit the tile image).
- Remove the "Have more questions?" link at the bottom of the article (this is a Jostle Support Center link that is automatically imported with the web article)
- When you're satisfied with the article, click Publish.
NOTE—if you're using the block editor for News, then you won't be able to edit Web Articles. So, instead of importing the linked article as a Web Article, you'll need to do as follows:
- Go to the article via the above link and copy it into a Word or Google Doc.
- Then go to your News and create a new article (News > + > Blank article).
- Go back to the Word/Google Doc and copy the article from there into your new article in News.
- Make any edits you wish and then Publish.