Library is intended to be the go-to place for all of your organization's reference material and documentation. A place where you can easily find the current copy of forms, budgets, policies, and the like. It solves the problem of endless searching for files by helping you locate exactly what you’re looking for. Quickly.
Library is made up of Categories, which in turn are made up of Volumes. Volumes are where all your documentation lives, and they’re designed so that they can be organized and curated in a way that enables people to easily see what content is stored where.
The navigation column runs down the left hand side of the Library view, and the Category tree can be displayed by clicking Browse at the top of the column.
The Category tree can be set up in a number of different ways, but it should always be in a format that makes sense to your organization and to all users.
The most common Library structure is based around departments. This means you would assign a Category to each department in your organization and then create Volumes that relate to particular areas within that department.
For example, if you created a Category for Human Resources, here's what its possible Volume structure might look like:
Categories are assigned their own Librarians, who in turn, assign Volume Librarians. These will be the people responsible for uploading and maintaining the content in your Library.
Each Volume can also be set with its own view permissions. This way you can make Volumes for content that only pertains to a specific group of people (either based on their Location, their Team, their Role, etc).This allows you to truly specify that the right group of people see the right information which in turn, ensures that each user only sees content that’s relevant to them.
Essential articles
For details on Library setup, configuration, and managing Categories and Category Librarians, see Setting up Library
For details on managing Volumes and Volume Librarians, see the Managing Volumes section of the Library Guide.
For overall best practices and tips, including how to enlist an expert Library team, refer to Library: Best practices.