
Quick Tip: Unpinning News Items


What is a pinned item?

Pinned items stay at the top of a user’s feed until they’re read. This makes it a great way to surface content you want new users to read their first time on the platform.



Pinned items should be:

  • Geared towards new users. Up-to-date users won’t notice if an article is pinned. If you want to promote an article to existing users, feature it instead.
  • Evergreen and up-to-date. Make sure your pinned content is still relevant to new employees. You don’t want them reading a policy that expired last year.

Onboarding guides, company introductions, or Jostle how-to’s are great examples of content that should be pinned.


Why should I unpin?

It’s easy to end up with too many items pinned in News. Even four items are enough to fill up the News feed on a standard laptop. This creates two big problems for new users:

  • Your most recent content gets buried under all those pinned items
  • It’s hard to identify the most important pinned articles

The best practice is to have no more than 2-3 pinned articles visible to any given user.


Watch this 90-second video or check out the instructions below to learn if this is an issue at your organization and how to fix it.



Step-by-step instructions

  1. Click on the menu (More Actions) in the top right of News and select "Published."
  2. Double-click the pin icon in the top right of the table to bring all your Pinned items to the top of the list.
  3. Click on the button (More Actions) to the right of the article title for any item you want to unpin and select “Unpin”.
  4. To unpin several articles, check the box in each article’s row, then click the button in any row and select "Unpin."


Want to learn more?

For more information, check out our complete guide on creating and managing News items.

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