
Understanding Teams


This article provides a deeper understanding of the Teams view and further explains components like Role, Chart and Team and how they function. 

Charts and Category Administrators can learn more about editing in the Teams view here


Table of contents:

  1. Extended View
  2. Reports-to relationships
  3. Collaborators
  4. Types of Roles
  5. Team Cards
  6. Communities of practice
  7. Teams Categories
  8. Chart i-menu
  9. Add Yourself

1. Extended View


You can get a bird's eye view of your organization's structure in Extended View.  When viewing the Main Organization, for example, you can get to Extended View by toggling the "View" setting on the far right of the Action Bar. You can then adjust how many levels to show (up to a maximum of three) and zoom and pan around your organization to see a detailed view of it's structure.

If you click on a card, it will move to the centric (focus) position, allowing you to look at parts of the structure in more detail.


NOTE - To use actions like "Team Profile" you need to be in regular Team View. These do not appear in Extended View because you are viewing multiple Teams at once. 


2. Reports-to relationships

There are two types of reports-to relationships in the Teams view.  

  • Primary relationships are solid lines that show direct reports-to relationships.
  • Secondary relationships are dotted lines, and are used to show people who report to more than one person. They are used to depict matrixed organization structures.


In the above example, Eloise reports on a primary (solid line) basis to Collin Smith, but is on a secondary (dotted line) reports-to basis to the COO, Justin Alm.

3. Collaborators 

The third relationship in Teams is Collaborators and it's used to show consultants, external people, board members, advisers, and so on.  In the example below, Scott who is a Publisher, is providing a resource for the Designers, but he doesn't directly report to the Design Team.



4. Types of Roles

Each node in Teams is a Role, which can be vacant or filled with a user. The structure is created by the relationships between the Roles and is organized into separate Charts. A Chart is a single, coherent hierarchy of Roles, with each Role having a single reports-to relationship up.


5. Team Cards

Team Cards can also occupy nodes in the Chart structures. They can serve the following purposes:

  1. Team Cards can label a group of employees with similar Roles on a Team (for
    example, to group all the Hardware Developers together within a development team).
  2. Team Cards can represent a self-managed team that does not have a leader. A Chart comprising a single self-managed team is a flat team (a group of people working cooperatively together without any hierarchy).


6. Communities of practice

Teams view can also be used to create a hierarchy of Team Cards to create a community of practice. For example, you can create a community for Software Development by using Team Cards to create a hierarchy like this:


7. Teams Categories

In the Teams view, Charts are organized into three initial Categories

  • Main Organization can only hold a single Chart and is used to define the main hierarchy of an organization. This structure can be synced to/from your other enterprise systems.
  • Working Groups is normally used for formal project teams and permanent teams within your structure.
  • Committees and Clubs is normally used for social groups, charity events, sports clubs and the like. Or it can be used to provide a Community of Practice.

If your organization does not use a main hierarchy (or you need time to sort out what your main hierarchy actually is before you launch your platform), your System Administrator can hide the Main Org Category entirely.




Editing Categories

Both Working Groups and Committees and Clubs can hold as many Charts as you wish. System Administrators can edit these Category names to better fit your organization or they can create their own custom Categories on the Edit Org Categories screen (via the “Edit” link that appears next to Org Categories, above the Main Organization panel).




TIP: Categories can also be re-ordered and/or deleted via the Edit Org Categories screen. Any Charts that are in a Category that gets deleted will automatically be moved to Uncategorized where they can then be assigned to another Category.


8. Chart i-menu

If you click the top-most node of a Chart in the left panel an "i" will appear. Hover over this to view an i-panel that provides a description of the Chart and identifies the Chart Administrators who are responsible for keeping this Chart up to date.



9. Add Yourself

Charts can be configured such that anybody can add/remove themselves to/from any Team. When this feature is enabled, you will see Add Yourself in the Action Bar.


Clicking on this will add you to the Team currently in view. After clicking, you will see the screen below. After you enter what Role (function) you'll have on this Team, click "Add Yourself".


Later, if you want to remove yourself from this Team, just click "Remove Yourself".





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