This section will help you understand Roles and how they relate to Job Category and Job Titles. Configuration tips are included. To better understand the CSV uploading process, please see this article to learn more about importing structure into Charts.
Table of contents:
A Role is a specific job that is part of a Team. A Role can be vacant, or it can be filled by a user. Users often have multiple Roles. For example, a person might hold these three Roles:
- VP Manufacturing on the Executive Team
- Executive Sponsor on the United Way Fundraising Team
- Goalie on the Company Soccer Team
Roles are defined by creating a node (card) in any Chart. You can see all the Roles for a particular user by looking at the Roles tab in their Profile.
How To Configure Roles
To add/remove a Role: Go to the relevant Team in Teams view and then select Edit Chart. You need edit rights to do this. See Edit Teams for more details.
To import new Contributors into the existing Main Organization Chart: In a CSV file, set the parameter PrimarySupervisorUsername per applicable user to the supervisor’s UserName. The specified supervisor must hold a single Role in the solid-line hierarchy of the Main Organization Chart or an error will be reported. The specified user must not already have a solid-line Role in the Main Organization Chart or an error will be reported. Go to Administration Settings > User Data to/from Other Systems > Extract/Manage All User Data (CSV) to upload this file.
To set the Role name during the import described in the prior paragraph: Enter the intended Role name as the user’s PrimaryRoleName. If a vacant Role already exists as a solid-line report to the designated supervisor, the new user will fill that Role. Otherwise a new solid-line Role with this Role Name will be created under the supervisor’s Role. Go to Administration Settings > User Data to/from Other Systems > Extract/Manage All User Data (CSV) to upload this file.
Primary Role
Primary Role (PrimaryRoleName) designates the main Role for a particular Contributor.
Each user can have multiple Roles (different jobs they do for specific Teams). Primary Role designates the most important (or best referenced) Role that a particular user has. It is simply a “tag” applied to one of the Roles defined for that person.
Primary Role is used throughout the platform to give context to a user. For example, in People it is the Primary Role that appears in association with each user.
Unless otherwise defined, this Primary Role is set as the highest main-hierarchy Role defined in Teams view, but can be specified to be any defined Role. If a user's Primary Role is renamed, it will still remain as that user's Primary Role.
How To Configure Primary Roles
To make Primary Role user-owned: Go to Administration Settings > User Profiles > Configure User Profiles, then scroll down to "Primary Role" and check the circle next to "User". Once “user-owned”, individuals can define their own Role in the Info tab of their Profiles. It is normally best practice to manage Primary Role this way.
To bulk rename Primary Roles: In a CSV file, set the parameter PrimaryRoleName per applicable user. If that user already has a defined Primary Role its Role Name will be updated to match what is in the CSV. If that user does not have a defined Primary Role one will not be created. This function only renames existing Primary Roles. Go to Administration settings > User Data to/from Other Systems > Extract/Manage All User Data (CSV) to upload this file.
Job Category
Job Category is a field intended for broad job categories and not for specific roles or job titles.
If your company categorizes jobs into families, such as Engineer I, Engineer II, etc. then this is where that designation belongs. Someone with a Job Category "Engineer II" might have a Role as Project Engineer on the Beta Project Team.
Most often this field should not be used, at which point it will not appear in user Profiles.
Job Categories can be found via Search.
How To Configure Job Categories
To set Job Category for a particular user: Pull up the user via Administration Settings > User Accounts and Data > Edit, Invite, Disable Users and then select EDIT. You can enter any text string you wish.
To bulk load Job Categories for users: In a CSV file, set the parameter JobCategory per applicable Contributor to whatever text string you wish. Go to Administration Settings > User Data to/from Other Systems > Extract/Manage All User Data (CSV) to upload this file
To make Job Category user-owned (for orgs that do not have Teams enabled): Go to Administration Settings > User Profiles > Configure User Profiles, then scroll down to "Job Category" and check the circle next to "User". Once “user-owned”, individuals can define their own Job Category in the Info tab of their Profiles. Making this parameter user-owned is normally not a good practice.
Job Title
"Job Title" is not a field used in the Jostle platform. Role/Primary Role is used instead.
Users can have multiple Roles, as they take on different duties for different Teams, with their main/most important/most referenced Role designated as their Primary Role.
Jostle also provides a Job Category field, but this is intended for job levels, not job titles. Most customers do not find the Job Category field applicable to their organization.