
Filters and List Selector overview



These section introduces these three key filters:

  • Location
  • Org Unit
  • Employee Type (Custom Filter)

These filters exist throughout the platform. When used via the List Selector they make it easy to target content. These filters are dynamic -- if a new employee joins a group defined in a filter, they will automatically get access to the content published using this filter. 

Table of contents

  1. Why it's important to configure these filters
  2. Introduction to the List Selector
  3. Introduction to the Locations filter
  4. Introduction to the Org Unit filter
  5. Introduction to the Custom Filter (often used as Employee Type)

1. Why it's important to configure these filters

It's important that the three primary filters match the structure and nature of your organization. The best place to view your current setup of these filters is to open the Filters and Settings panel in People (via  the filter icon in the top right corner):


Configuring these filters to reflect how your company is organized makes it easy to target (or restrict) information to specific groups of people. This reduces “noise” (information overload) for all your users, as each individual will only see information that is relevant to them. And that's important for creating an engaging platform.


2. Introduction to the List Selector

Throughout your platform, Jostle provides a List Selector that makes it easy to dial up the intended audience for a News Article, restrict access to a Library Volume, include people in a new Discussion or invite selected guests to an Event. As the List Selector works off of the three primary filters, its effectiveness as a management tool is directly tied to how well these filters are configured.

 Using the List Selector, you can:

  • search in a specific Team, Location, Org Unit, etc.,
  • add specific people, or an ad hoc list of individuals,
  • dial up an "intersection" using the three filters, or
  • any combination of the above.

Intersections allow you to use the filters in combination. In the example below, an intersection for a new Discussion has been created. This intersection represents everyone who is:

a) located in California (a Location)

b) in the Marketing Org Unit (as defined in Teams view)

c) tagged as being a customer-facing employee (via the Custom Filter which is being used here to set Employee Types).

The resulting eight people who appear in all three of these filters will make up the intersection and be the only ones, besides the creator, to be able to see and participate in the Discussion once it is created.



For more details on using the List Selector see this article.


3. Introduction to the Locations filter

You can customize the Locations filter however works best for your organization. This can be a flat list of locations (if you only have a few) or a self-structuring hierarchical list (building/city/state/country). Click here to learn more about setting up Locations.


4. Introduction to the Org Unit Filter

Org Units are defined from hierarchies (Charts) defined in Teams view. Org Units automatically include everyone below a particular position (Role) in a Chart. For example, if you define the Org Unit “Sales” at the VP Sales Role in Teams view, this Org Unit will automatically include the European Sales Director reporting to her, and the recently-hired intern on one of the teams reporting to that Sales Director. Everyone reporting up to the VP Sales is in the Org Unit, top to bottom. Employees can be in multiple Org Units. This article will help you understand Org Units in more detail.



5. Introduction to the Custom Filter (often used as Employee Type)

The Custom Filter can be used for any other employee attribute that is not captured by Locations or Org Units. Most often it is set to Employee Type. Each employee can belong to just one Custom Filter Category. The use of this filter is optional -- if you do not enter any Categories for it, it will not appear. Learn more about setting up the Custom Filter here.



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