So you've just configured your Jostle platform to integrate with your SSO platform, or you're considering doing this, and want to know how users are converted from a Jostle-managed password to the SSO authentication. Here's how:
We recommend first converting or creating a small portion of users initially to validate, followed by the larger group.
Convert an existing user to SSO via:
- In the Main Navigation, click Admin Settings and go to User Accounts and Data > Edit, Invite, Disable Users
- Search for the desired user, and click the "EDIT" link by their name.
- Near the bottom of their Edit page, select "SSO" under "Login Authentication method".
- Click the "Save changes" option. The system will send a new invitation email.
Converting the rest of the users:
- Extract a copy of your full user list via Admin Settings > User Data to/from Other Systems > Extract/manage all user data (CSV). This gives you a CSV file which opens in any spreadsheet editor.
- Delete rows for any users you do not want to re-invite. These users will remain unmodified in Jostle.
- Add a column to the CSV, "InviteForAuthenticationMethod" and list "SSO" in each user's row to be converted. Note that some versions of Excel will attempt to re-format the BirthDate and HireDate columns, which can cause import errors. To avoid these errors, you can delete those columns from the CSV, the import will skip those missing sections and retain the previously-entered data.
- Import the updated spreadsheet via Administration Settings > User Data to/from Other Systems > Import Users (CSV) > Jostle User Template > Select Invite: 'As specified in import file' > Choose File & Upload.