
Managing Administrators



Table of contents

  1. Overview
  2. Administration levels & roles
  3. Administrator requirements & cascading responsibilities
  4. Assigning Administrators



Beyond the System Administrator, there are ten additional administrative roles that can be assigned for your platform (five Content Owners and five View Owners):

  • News Reporters and Editors
  • Events Creators and Managers
  • Library Volume and Category Librarians
  • Teams Chart and Category Administrators
  • Listings (Classifieds) Creators and Managers 

The permissions of these roles can be viewed in detail here.


Reasons for multiple administrators

With multiple administrators, Jostle allows you to set up the responsibilities for maintaining your platform in a granular way. This is most effective way to maintain your platform as it allows you to enable your subject matter experts (SME’s)—the people who are best able to create, organize, and maintain content around a specific area.

For example, your Benefits Administrator will do a much better job of keeping your benefits information and forms organized than someone from IT or Marketing will, so your Benefits Administrator should be the Librarian for the Benefits Volume in Library. Similarly, your Senior Project Manager should be the Teams Category Admin for his own project teams, while the head of your Social Committee would be an ideal choice for an Events Creator.

It’s a bad idea to have a single person in charge of all your content platform wide, because:

  • one person will be spread too thin to effectively manage all areas;
  • no single person can have the first hand domain knowledge to do a good job on all topics; and
  • bringing different viewpoints and voices together will help you create a more engaging platform that better reflects your organization.

Instead, put the right people in charge of the right areas, and let them focus on populating the roles in those areas with those best suited for the tasks (SMEs).


Administration levels & roles

System Administrators          

  • Responsible for creating a sensible org-wide information architecture, for controlling user access, and syncing data with other enterprise systems.

View Owners (News Editors, Teams Category Admins, Category Librarians, Events Managers, Listings/Classifieds Managers)

  • Responsible for setting the high-level information architecture for an area/view and finding the right subject matter experts to own specific content within that area/view.

Content Owners (News Reporters, Teams Chart Admins, Volume Librarians, Events Creators, Listings/Classifieds Creators)

  • Responsible for owning their content within an area/view, ensuring it stays current, organized, and relevant.


Administrator requirements & cascading responsibilities

System Administrators need to have an overall sense of the org-wide structure to properly assign the appropriate View Owners, who will be able to own and manage their specific view.

View Owners need to know how to best structure their assigned area. They need to be aware of the best SMEs within the organization to place in the proper Content Owners and how to manage their contributions so that they always reflect value.

Content Owners should be the SMEs of the organization best suited for their assigned roles. They need to be able to take responsibility for keeping their content current, organized, relevant and engaging.



View Owners

Content Owners


Assigned by


Assigned by



System Admin





System Admin




Category Librarian

System Admin

Volume Librarian

Category Librarian


Category Admin

System Admin

Chart Admin

Category Admin




System Admin




*By default, the initial System Administrator for an organization will also be made a News Editor. Otherwise, System Admins do not automatically have view-specific administration rights, but can gain them by assigning themselves to those roles that do have them.


Assigning Administrators

Notethe permissions given to each Administration Role can be reviewed here.


System Administrators

In many cases, an organization's initial System Administrator isn't the person who ends up holding this role in the long run, so it's a good idea to assign another System Administrator as early in the set-up process as possible to make for a smoother change if the original System Admin has to step away from the role.

  1. Click the Admin Settings link in the lower left corner.
  2. In Administration Settings, go to Platform > Manage System Administrators
  3. Enter the name of the person you want to promote to System Admin in the Search field and then click the green "+" that appears beside their name in the matching results.


Category/Volume Librarians

There are no overall Library Administrator Roles, instead each Category and Volume in Library has their own Administrators (Librarians). System Admins can create Category Librarians (who can then create Volume Librarians) as follows:

  1. Click on Library in the Main Navigation
  2. Click "Browse" in the left column and then select a Category
  3. Go to the action bar at the top of the screen and click the i-icon
  4. On the Info menu, across from Category Librarians, click "Edit Category Librarians"
  5. Search for the person you want promote and click on their name.

To create a Volume Librarian, the Category Librarian can follow the exact steps as above, but substitute "Volume" wherever it says "Category”.

NOTE—System Admins can create new Categories in Library via Browse > gear icon > Manage Org Categories. Creating a new Category will also automatically add them as a Librarian for that Category.


News Reporters/Editors

  1. Click on News in the Main Navigation
  2. Then go to the Action Bar and click the 3-dot action menu on the far right
  3. Select “News Admins”
  4. To add an Editor, go to the column on the left and click on Editors, then use the search field to find and add individuals.
  5. As a News Editor, to add a Reporter go to the column on the left and click on a Reporter Group (or create a new one using the Edit link) and then on the Reporters form click Edit under Members to add people as Reporters to that group. 

NOTE—under Publishing Options you can enable or restrict any of the listed publishing features for your Reporter Group.


Teams Category/Chart Administrators

There are no overall Teams Administrator Roles, instead each Category and Chart in Teams has their own administrator roles. System Admins can create Category Admins (who can then create Chart Admins) as follows:

  1. Click on Teams in the Main Navigation
  2. Click on a Category and hover over the i-icon
  3. On the i-menu, click Edit next to "Category Admins"
  4. Search for the person you want promote and click on their name.

To create a Chart Administrator, the Category Administrator can follow the exact steps as above, but substitute "Chart" wherever it says "Category".


Events Creators/Managers

  1. Click on Events in the Main Navigation
  2. Then go to the Action Bar and click the gear icon on the far right
  3. Select “Events Admins”
  4. To add a Manager, go to the column on the left and click on Managers, then use the search field to find and add individuals.
  5. To add a Creator, add yourself as a Manager first, then go to the column on the left and under Creator Groups click on a group (or create a new one using the Edit link) and then go to the Members heading and click Edit to add people as Creators to that group.


Listings/Classifieds Creators/Managers

Because this view's name can be customized, Listings may appear in your platform as Classifieds (this view's original default name) or under another name of your org's own choosing.

  1. Click on Listings in the Main Navigation
  2. Then go to the Action Bar and click the gear icon on the far right
  3. Select “Listings Admins”
  4. To add a Manager, go to the column on the left and click on Managers, then use the search field to find and add individuals.
  5. To add a Creator, add yourself as a Manager first, then go to the column on the left and click Creators. Then under the Members heading, click Edit to add people as Creators to that group. (NOTEBy default, all users should be automatically be listed as Creators, so step 5 could also be applied for those who wish to remove people as Creators). 


New Admin Notifications

When anyone gets assigned as any new Administrator, they will receive a notification that will contain:

  • information about the Admin Role
  • link to any related Support Center information about the Admin Role
  • contact link to whoever assigned the Admin Role 
  • reference link to what that person has become an Admin for (i.e., a specific Library Volume, the News view, etc)



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  • 1
    Permanently deleted user

    Hi Nathan. You are correct, and we've clarified the information above to reflect that managing Reporters is a NEWS Editor permission.

    By default, the initial System Administrator for an organization is also automatically made a NEWS Editor to facilitate this, but other System Admins who wish to manage Reporters will have to manually assign themselves as a NEWS Editor first.

  • 1
    Bettina Hügin-Ziegler

    It would be good to have admin rights only for:

    Edit/delete Contributors   

    This is normally done by our HR and I do not want to give them System Admin rights. We have several branches in different countries and I want to avoid to have too many System Admin.
    Any possibility to change this?
  • 0
    Nathan Yang

    I just wanted to clarify that Jostle System Admins do not have permissions to modify News Reporters. It seems that only News Editors have that permission.

    (Of course, the workaround would be for the System Admin to temporarily assign himself as a News Editor to make necessary changes.)

  • 0
    Anita Kacher

    My events page lists all events from the prior year and the most recent at the bottom of the page. How do I change this to be viewed (most recent events top to bottom)?

  • 0
    Permanently deleted user

    Hi Anita,

    The Events list can only be displayed in chronological order because it is tied to the calendar - after an Event has passed, the list automatically scrolls up to display the next Event indicated on the calendar grid.

    Because of this feature, your past Events should not be visible on your screen unless you have manually scrolled back through your list. If you click on the date of the next upcoming Event in the calendar grid, it will chronologically reset your list and then it should scroll accordingly through the next Events as their dates arrive.


    PS - To learn more about Events, you can refer to the Events section:

  • 0
    Johnny Keogh

    Just wondering if there's an option to remove Events entirely from the menu?

  • 0
    Brad Palmer

    Yes, System Admins can turn Events off for the full organization at Administrative Settings > Platform > Enabled/Disabled Features


  • 0
    Annette Jackson

    System Admins - can they search into private conversations within an organization?


  • 0
    Brad Palmer

    Hi Annette.

    No System Admins do not get universal access to content and conversations, but they can grant themselves that access in a transparent way as makes sense.

    This is for a number of reasons:

    - to fully respect privacy and our privacy agreement with all users

    - to be transparent to everyone about who is seeing what

    - to allow confidential projects to happen without System Admins having oversight. For example an "Executive team" Volume in Library.

    In Discussions we do offer a Mandatory Moderator option. This places an ombudsman in all discussions, including DM's, in a transparent way. Where privacy is appropriate, the Mandatory Moderator can choose to leave a discussion. Please email us at to learn more and have this turned on.



  • 0
    Permanently deleted user

    Hi Annette,

    To add to what Brad said, more information on this topic can be found in the article Privacy and permissions in Discussions.


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