
The Basics: Adding & Assigning Locations


The Basics is a collection of tutorials that have been designed to introduce new users to key aspects of the Jostle platform without getting too "in-depth" (more detailed information on these topics can be found elsewhere in the Guide - but here, we're just sticking to "the basics"). The topics covered here include: Adding Locations and Assigning People To Locations.


Adding Locations

Locations are exactly what they sound like – the places across the city, country, or globe where your organization can be found. Setting up your Locations in Jostle is important - it will allow you to target content appropriately, making your platform more powerful and relevant.




To add a new Location

  1. Click the Admin Settings link at the bottom of the Main Navigation and go to Admin Settings > Filters and Badges > Configure Locations
  2. On the Configure Locations screen, click the “+” (see image above)
  3. In the “Name” field, enter a name or alias for your location – for example, “Headquarters”.
  4. Once you have filled in your information, click Save.


  • Note that city, state and country are also optional details here. If your organization has numerous locations, the more fields you fill out, the easier it will be to target your organization’s information (for example, if you have multiple locations within New Mexico, by adding that in the State information you will be able to easily generate a list of all your staff in New Mexico). However, if your organization only has a few locations, then using the “Name" on its own will create a list that’s simple for everyone to use.

You can now view how your Locations Filter looks by going to People and clicking on the Filter Icon in the top right corner. The next step is to assign Locations to your people.


Assigning People To Locations

Once you have set up your organization’s Locations, the next thing to do is assign each person in your organization to their Location.

There are few ways to do this:

Edit a person’s Location through their Profile.

  1. In the People view, click on a Profile picture
  2. On the Info tab, click the blue Edit button
  3. Scroll down to the Location field and select the correct Location from the dropdown menu
  4. Click “Save”

Edit a person’s Location through Administration settings

  1. Click the Admin Settings link in the lower left corner of the screen to go to Administration settings, then scroll down to User Accounts and Data > Edit, Invite, Disable Users.
  2. Enter an individual’s name and click the Search button.
  3. Click on the EDIT link that appears next to their name
  4. Scroll down to the Location field and select the correct Location from the dropdown menu
  5. Scroll down to the bottom and click “Save Changes.”

NOTE—if you want to add multiple people to a Location at once, just include this information in your bulk uploading spreadsheet. Details for doing this can be found in The Basics: Bulk Uploading.

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