Assigning Creators
If you are an Events Manager, you can assign and manage Events Creators using Creator Groups as follows:
- Click on Events in the Main Navigation
- Then go to the Action Bar and click the Gear icon on the far right
- Select “Events Admins”
- Go to the column on the left and under Creator Groups click on a group (or create a new one using the Edit link) and then go to the Members heading and click Edit to add people as Creators to that group.
NOTE—As this process uses the List Selector, you can also assign Teams, Locations, and Org Units as Creators.
To create an Event
Managers and Creators can create an Event as follows:
1. Go to the Main Navigation and click Events
2. Once there, click the “+” (Create New Item) button in the action bar to open a New Event form.
3. On the New Event form, fill in the following details of your event:
- Title
- Location (if it's a online event, you can post the link to it in this field)
- When (One-time or Repeat Event)
- Description
- Header Images (upload images - optional)
- Attach files (upload documents - optional)
- Embed videos (from Library - optional, see how here)
4. Next, go to the Options column on the left. Here’s where you can set your Event's invitees, the Event visibility (in the calendar), RSVP settings (including a deadline and guest limit), Commenting (on/off), and the Publish Date for the Event notice.
The default invite setting is for "Everyone" (in your platform). If you’re not creating an org-wide Event, then click the blue Edit button under “Invite Everyone”. Here you can opt to create a Custom List by adding individual invitees or groups filtered by Locations, Teams, Employee Types or Org Units.
Depending on the settings you choose, your Event will appear in people's calendars with one of three possible tags: Everyone's invited, Private (including you), or FYI only (NOTE—there are two types of Events you can create that will result in an "FYI only" tag).
Below explains each one and the settings needed to create them.
Everyone's invited
Invite: Everyone Visible to: Everyone
Everyone in your organization has been invited to this Event and everyone can see it on their own calendars.
Examples: All-hands meetings, Holiday events
Private (including you)
Invite: Custom List Visible to: Invitees only
Only a select group of people have been invited to this Event, and only they can see it on their calendars.
Examples: Team or Department-based activities, Location-based events
FYI only (Private + FYI)
Invite: Custom List Visible to: Everyone
Only a select group of people have been invited to this Event, but everyone in your organization can see it on their calendars. It appears as "FYI only" for those who are not invited to it (useful as way of informing everyone in your org about why a number people may be absent or unavailable on a certain day).
Examples: Leadership events, conventions, off-site activities
FYI only (No invitees + FYI)
Invite: Custom List (with no one added) Visible to: Everyone
No one is formally invited to this Event, but everyone in your organization can see it on their calendars as "FYI only". These are useful if you want to inform everyone of something they can go to, but where their attendance is strictly optional (be sure to mention this IN the Event description), and you don't want to formally invite anyone to go in case it makes them feel like they're required to attend.
Examples: Volunteer events, special-interest activities, local or city events
TIP: To make an "FYI only" Event without inviting any guests, make it Visible to > Everyone, then edit the Invites to a "Custom List", but then don't add any anyone to it and just click the Continue button instead. Like so:
5. At the bottom of the Options column, you can indicate if you want to receive notifications for any comments posted on the notice and/or if you want to send a reminder to invitees on the day of the Event.
You can send an initial notification to all invitees once your Event has been posted. Just click on the Event and then click Notify in the action bar (next to “Edit”) and follow the steps provided. You can learn more about Notify here.
6. After you have filled in all the Event information, go back to the Action Bar and select Publish to post your Event to the main Events view of everyone who is invited (or you can also choose to Preview, Save Draft, or Archive your Event).
NOTE—if you choose to send an email notification to all invitees, you'll have to confirm this option before the Event will be published:
Managing your Events
You can manage lists of your Draft, Scheduled, Future, Past, and Archived Events via Manage in the Action Bar. Right click on any item on these lists and you'll see what actions available to you. This feature can be useful if you need to republish an Event or if you want to use a past Event notice as a template for a new one.