This document guides your through the process of adding the Jostle platform app to your Google domain.
NOTE—this is for new customers only. If you're an existing customer that wants to replace their existing Jostle platform with one that's Google-integrated, please contact
Table of Contents
- Subscribing from the Google Workplace Marketplace
- Completing the basic Google installation
- Choosing your Jostle data center
- Completing the Jostle Quick Setup process
- Incomplete Jostle Setup
- Getting your platform ready for launch
1. Subscribing from the Google Workspace Marketplace
You need to begin in the Google Workspace Marketplace and Google requires that you be a Google domain administrator for that domain to undertake this installation process.
How to get to the Google Workspace Marketplace (Option 1)
- Sign in to the Google account that is an administrator for the domain you want to integrate to.
- Use this link to find the Jostle listing in the Google Workspace Marketplace:
- Click on DOMAIN INSTALL (Do not select Individual Install as doing so will not allow you to properly import your people when you reach that stage of the setup).
NOTE—if you receive the error below when trying to start the install, it means your account does not have the required permissions:
To verify this, go to the Google Admin Console ( see if you can access the Apps section:
If so, then you can go ahead and complete the installation via the method below (Option 2). If not, then that would be verification that your account does not have the proper administrator permissions and you will either have to have those permissions added to your account, or sign into using account that already has those permissions, in order to complete the installation.
How to get to the Google Workspace Marketplace (Option 2)
Skip this section if you successfully used the method above.
- Sign into the Google account that is an administrator for the domain you want to integrate to.
- Go to Google Admin Console:
- Click on Apps and then click on Marketplace Apps.
- Click on "Add app to Domain install list" in the action bar at the top. This takes you to the Google Workspace Marketplace.
- In the Search box, enter “Jostle’ and select it from the Search results.
- On the Jostle app screen, click on DOMAIN INSTALL.
2. Completing the basic Google installation
After clicking DOMAIN INSTALL:
1. On the Domain wide install screen, click CONTINUE to start the installation
2. Select the checkbox to allow Jostle to access your domain. Click Accept.
NOTE—you can choose a different Google “sub-organizations” to install into using the "Turn ON for" dropdown at the bottom. The default value will be your full organization (domain), which is normally your best choice. If you are going to do this, you need to personally be a member of the sub-organization you choose. Otherwise, wait and do this later via your Google control panel after Jostle is installed.
3. On the installation confirmation screen, click Next.
4. On the next screen, click on Complete additional setup now (do NOT click on Done).
3. Choosing your Jostle data center
You will now choose where you want your Jostle data center to be.
Choose the host location (Jostle data center) you would like to use. Click Continue. These data centers will serve your employees worldwide. Normally it is best to choose the region that is closest to where you set up your Google domain.
Confirm the master account, then click Continue.
Jostle now sets up your account at the data center you selected. This takes a bit of time.
4. Completing the Jostle Quick Setup process
Now that your Jostle account is live, you can configure your Jostle platform using data from your Google domain with this Quick Setup process.
1. Screen (1/3): Upload your logo. This is also easy to do later, if you want to skip it now.
2. Screen (2/3): This screen originally prompted users to enable their API access. However, Google recently changed this workflow and this step is no longer required. If you come across this screen during setup, just click the Done? Let's continue link and move on to screen (3/3).
3. Screen (3/3): The final step is to import your users and their data from your Google domain. This will not invite any users, it just uploads their personal information. Later you will be able to automate this to keep things in sync. Simply click Import people.
TIP: You can choose to exclude specific users by clicking Edit blacklist to block the import of Google IDS that are not employees. For example, you probably have a Google account for that you do not want to import. This is also something that you can easily optimize later, if you wish.
If you have intentionally turned access to the Jostle app off in your Google domain, and only want to import those who have the app turned on, click on the link at the bottom. Most companies will not utilize this feature.
Your quick setup is complete. Click Launch your intranet. This will immediately launch your Jostle platform. You will be an Activated user and the first Jostle System Admin. See the next page for some ideas on your next steps.
5. Incomplete Jostle Setup
If you have completed the basic Google installation, and something goes wrong during the Jostle setup process; for example, you run into a ‘Google Interaction Error’, you can always return to the Jostle setup page:
- Go back to Google Admin > Apps > Marketplace Apps.
- Double click on the ‘Jostle intranet’ listing.
- If you see a LAUNCH NOW button*, it means that the setup was completed but wasn't communicated properly from Google. Click LAUNCH NOW to access your Jostle login.
*(NOTE—if you don't see LAUNCH NOW, please contact
6. Getting your platform ready for launch
You are the only user that has been Invited and Activated in your Jostle platform at this point. You control who gets access and when. These things can help you get started:
- Find our Success Guide here or contact your Customer Success Manager for assistance.
- You still need to connect your Library to your Google domain. Click on "Library" in the Main Navigation (on the left side of your Jostle interface) to see how to complete this.
- Note the Google automation available at Admin Settings > User data to/from other systems > Google automation.
Appendix - Google permissions
When trying to add Jostle to your Google domain, the app will request the following permissions:
View and manage the provisioning of groups on your domain
The Jostle Library is set up in your G drive using Google Groups to control the access to the files in Library. Library does not work without these rights.
View organization units on your domain
This is used to allow you to filter the Google users that you wish to invite to Jostle.
View and manage the provisioning of users on your domain
View rights are needed to import people into Jostle. Manage rights are required to do the reverse snyc. The later can be turned off with loss of functionality.
View and manage the settings of a Google group
This is used to make the Library Google groups less obvious to your users, since many customers with lots of Volumes do not want all those groups visible in every users' UI. If this is not granted, then the groups will be visible.
View and manage the files in your Google Drive
This is required in order for the Jostle Library to work in Google mode.
Changing the Master Account
If you need to change the Master Account user, you will need to contact our Support team at for assistance. They will need to know the following information:
- your current Master Account user (the one being replaced)
- your new Master Account user (the one being assigned)
NOTE—in order for the update to be successful, the account you want to be the new Master Account must have either Super Admin rights or User Admin & Group Admin rights.
For guidance on best practices and your overall strategy, please contact our Customer Success team at
For further information on pricing or the terms of your free trial, please contact our Sales Team at